Hey Zerie! I love you art sty;e alot. You make very good use of the limitied pixel count. I was wondering if you had any social media or youtube. I would love to be up-to-date with whatever you are working on.
check out how this guy offers his Aseprite file pre tagged. It’s optimal in this space if your interested in seeing how one of the best, imo, does it. A lot of potential in packs of this quality in volume!
Just another feedback! I would keep the effects in general on a separate layer.
I personally do my effects through a particle system or instantiated prefab so enabling that work flow will widen your audience. This applies to the whoosh on archers or an impact visuals on melee (like the were bear slam). It also applies to the red blink (I tween these). I would keep them, just sorting them out to a layer in Aseprite for a quick hide would go along way for some devs. This might be considered a more modern dev workflow vs static sprites doing all the work. When they aren't on their own layer and they overlap the sprite it's a pain to pull apart, almost enough to avoid using the sprites unless you plan to fully commit to that style alone. This would be the difference in my being a 'bought every pack' person vs a 'big fan that doesn't buy anything' person.
I think your stuff is great, I wouldn't go too far out of your way on my opinions if your vision is set but I like it so much I thought I might over share my feedback. Good luck! I am sure this series will do great.
I just bought these characters and they are really nice. However they are too annoying too use because there is no option to have the single image cropped out of the whole animation, thing that is useful for many different ways of creating characters.
It would be great if you could add each frame as single image with no empty border around or if you want to keep it with a border, enclose each character into the nearest power of 2 area (16x16, 32x32, 64x64, etc.). That would make development much easier.
Here one example in a 32x32 image, having the character's feet touching the bottom of the image.
For the rest, great assets, I just trust the preview of this page, because again, opening each image as they are, isn't great at the moment.
If you need more details, feel free to ask me, I'll be happy to give you more examples.
I feel like most developers approach this by using the pivot point or a custom additional pivot point, having enough space to make sure all frames fit is more important.
This art looks so nice that you should protect it better ,right now the gifs only have size alteration and some letters which means I could steal them in 3 days rather than paying but actually even if you made it better it would take me 1 month to just look and copy is it still posible but only crazy people just like me would dare to do it.
(I won't steal anything for now) (it would be great fun to see coments like swiper not swiping XD)
Hi Zerie, I can't see any social links or emails on here, wanted to ask if you were interested in any commission work. The asset pack looks really good :)
I only recently got the inspiration to make a pixelart RPG and I bought these immediately to help me get off the ground - They're perfect! Looking forward to more :)
Hi, Zerie! I'm going to make my first ever comment just to say that this asset is 10/10!!! I just bought it and I'm looking forward for more characters! ^_^
Is it possible we can get a standalone file of the wizard and priest's attacks (and priest heal)?, as in just the particle they make without the character.
Hey, great work ! Absolutely fabulous, do you have any contact, discord or social media to be contacted on (even an email would do) or to follow your work ? I have a couple of questions that cant be asked here !
Hey man, I bought the pack, but here in the previews the assets are like double the size of the characters in the actual pack. In the pack they are really really small, you can barely see the details like in the previews. Is that right?
Hey guitro,It is correct that the actual size of the pixel image is so small.
The download file is the actual size of the pixel asset and you can easily make changes at this size.You need to scale it up in game engine when you use it in your game. Game engines usually have Settings for that.
Hello, your art is very incredible, I bought your package to use in a fururo game, when I do it I will send it to you, do you intend to add more characters? I have a suggestion: necromancers. It would look cool in your style 😊👍
Thank you very much. More characters will be updated soon. Nec is a great idea, I'll add it to future updates. I'm very looking forward to your game.^ ^
bom cara tentei de tudo se você não tem outra forma de pagamento não consigo comprar tentei queria muito esses personagens no meu jogo se for possível entra em contato por que eu não consegui....
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Hey Zerie! I love you art sty;e alot. You make very good use of the limitied pixel count. I was wondering if you had any social media or youtube. I would love to be up-to-date with whatever you are working on.
Hello, Zerie, i have a small question: I can use your assets for my free game?
Are you using Aseprite?
check out how this guy offers his Aseprite file pre tagged. It’s optimal in this space if your interested in seeing how one of the best, imo, does it. A lot of potential in packs of this quality in volume!
Thanks for the suggestion.I've updated the download file with the Aseprite file added.
Just another feedback! I would keep the effects in general on a separate layer.
I personally do my effects through a particle system or instantiated prefab so enabling that work flow will widen your audience. This applies to the whoosh on archers or an impact visuals on melee (like the were bear slam). It also applies to the red blink (I tween these). I would keep them, just sorting them out to a layer in Aseprite for a quick hide would go along way for some devs. This might be considered a more modern dev workflow vs static sprites doing all the work. When they aren't on their own layer and they overlap the sprite it's a pain to pull apart, almost enough to avoid using the sprites unless you plan to fully commit to that style alone. This would be the difference in my being a 'bought every pack' person vs a 'big fan that doesn't buy anything' person.
I think your stuff is great, I wouldn't go too far out of your way on my opinions if your vision is set but I like it so much I thought I might over share my feedback. Good luck! I am sure this series will do great.
I just bought these characters and they are really nice.

However they are too annoying too use because there is no option to have the single image cropped out of the whole animation, thing that is useful for many different ways of creating characters.
It would be great if you could add each frame as single image with no empty border around or if you want to keep it with a border, enclose each character into the nearest power of 2 area (16x16, 32x32, 64x64, etc.). That would make development much easier.
Here one example in a 32x32 image, having the character's feet touching the bottom of the image.
For the rest, great assets, I just trust the preview of this page, because again, opening each image as they are, isn't great at the moment.
If you need more details, feel free to ask me, I'll be happy to give you more examples.
Thank you and great work so far!
I'm glad you liked it.
Some frames have large pixel sizes (e.g. larger than 32x32, 64x64). So I set the border to 100x100 image, which is a size that can hold everything.
(Characters can't stay centered horizontally at 64x64. Some pixels are lower than the feet.)
You could try slicing sheets by 100 x100 cell sizes.This should make it easy to split the sheet.
And don't worry about the position of different characters will be shifted, the ground height of different characters are on the same level.
(slice by 100 x100)
I hope this helps.
I feel like most developers approach this by using the pivot point or a custom additional pivot point, having enough space to make sure all frames fit is more important.
I see, thank you for the details. It's not optimal to reduce memory size in some cases, but I will make do some manual cropping then.
Thank you for the details. I hope your asset is getting lot of success so you can create more assets on the same theme.
I uploaded the ASEPRITE file. This should make it easy to crop if you use ASEPRITE. : )
Hopefully, in the next version, there will be 1 demon, 1 naga, 1 elemental, and 1 mech added.
You draw great, but I have one question, where are all the enemies except the orcs stored?
Thankful you liked it. All characters are included in the full version.
Keep up the great works! Looking for more to come.
I cant wait for more packs :D
That skew is heavy lol, strong overcorrection to the stealing comment. A middle ground that is easier on the eyes. Just my 2.50 cents. Cool art.
Way better. This watermark way is the way I see other artists with successful character collections do it.
LoL,Thanks XD
The art is quite high quality, hopefully there will be more monsters
I love it!
Thank you so much!
This art looks so nice that you should protect it better ,right now the gifs only have size alteration and some letters which means I could steal them in 3 days rather than paying but actually even if you made it better it would take me 1 month to just look and copy is it still posible but only crazy people just like me would dare to do it.
(I won't steal anything for now) (it would be great fun to see coments like swiper not swiping XD)
You are great! I wish you did environment art that suits this art though. I would definitely pay for it!
add jump :D
I think is made for 2D top downs so why jump?
(if you want to jump you can use some run frames)
Hi Zerie, I can't see any social links or emails on here, wanted to ask if you were interested in any commission work. The asset pack looks really good :)
It's very cool! When will you update more characters?
I only recently got the inspiration to make a pixelart RPG and I bought these immediately to help me get off the ground - They're perfect! Looking forward to more :)
this looks really cute! i would love to buy this when there are more enemy variants for sure.
Hi, Zerie! I'm going to make my first ever comment just to say that this asset is 10/10!!! I just bought it and I'm looking forward for more characters! ^_^
I'd like to order you some custom sprites, do you have commisions open?
Hello! Really like this pack, bought it right away. Any chances that you will update this pack further, or create more like it?
Is it possible we can get a standalone file of the wizard and priest's attacks (and priest heal)?, as in just the particle they make without the character.
Yes, including standalone files.
Hi could i use these in a commercial game on steam?
ill put you in the credits of course :)
You can. :D
Hello again :)
I used the skeletons in my time survival game:
The asset pack and you are listed in the credits :)
It looks really good. Great job!
Thank you! Your sprites made it better!
Wow, those are really cool!
Thanks, really good!
how many characters/monsters do you anticipate this collection will grow to? Will it be a series with 100s and multiple packs to buy or end at 15/20?
Hey, great work !
Absolutely fabulous, do you have any contact, discord or social media to be contacted on (even an email would do) or to follow your work ? I have a couple of questions that cant be asked here !
Hey man, I bought the pack, but here in the previews the assets are like double the size of the characters in the actual pack. In the pack they are really really small, you can barely see the details like in the previews. Is that right?
Hey guitro,It is correct that the actual size of the pixel image is so small.
The download file is the actual size of the pixel asset and you can easily make changes at this size.You need to scale it up in game engine when you use it in your game. Game engines usually have Settings for that.
Just bought this. Thank you so much, it's awesome work and I can't wait to start working with them.
Thank you very much!
Thanks for the good quality assets. I bought full pack but wish there are more characters. Are you willing to make more and update this?
Thanks! More characters will be updated soon.
wondful,we need more please
Thank you very much!
Hello, your art is very incredible, I bought your package to use in a fururo game, when I do it I will send it to you, do you intend to add more characters? I have a suggestion: necromancers. It would look cool in your style 😊👍
Thank you very much. More characters will be updated soon. Nec is a great idea, I'll add it to future updates. I'm very looking forward to your game.^ ^
Hello Zerie! How can i talk to you? I want to ask you if i can pay you to make more enemies for me. thanks!
I bought this but I can't find instructions on the offsets and separations or tile sizes.
Thank you for your purchase.^ ^ The tile size is 100*100 pixels.You can slice sheets by 100*100 cell sizes.
Nice work. Maybe you want to update name and tag? This looks like "side-scroller" not "top-down".
Thank you very much! These sprites can be used for top-down games with only two directional characters. It depends on your game art styles.:)
ei cara estou tentando comprar mais não estou conseguindo não tem outro meio de pagamento
The method of payment is determined by itch. You may try using a credit card.
ola boa noite então eu tentei o cartão de credito deu recusado você não teria outro jeito de pagamento ???
consegui um cartão e agora so fica nisso
bom cara tentei de tudo se você não tem outra forma de pagamento não consigo comprar tentei queria muito esses personagens no meu jogo se for possível entra em contato por que eu não consegui....
I'm not quite sure how the problem arises. All I can do is set the price. You may need to ask itch officials about the cause of the problem.:(
Are you open to commissions?
I'm very sorry.There are currently no plans.
This looks super cool. :)
Thanks!^ ^
If I use this in a game, how would you like to be credited?
I'm glad you like it.You can use it in your game without attribution.
Wow. These look great! Are you planning on making more characters and monsters?
Thanks! Monster characters will be added in the next update.
por favor coloque outro meio de pagamento paypal não funciona