Thanks for this great asset pack. I used the soldier and the orc in my project for an undergraduate teaching assistantship test at my university. Let’s just say… I got the position. So big big thanks! Here’s the final product if you want to check it out.
Cards of the Abyss
Thank you for creating this asset pack for the community with the sole purpose of inspiring younger generations and supporting their journey in learning game development. Your contribution helps remove the barriers of creating art, allowing aspiring developers to focus on honing their skills more effectively.
Hi there Zerie! Love your work A LOT! I'm working on a project that fits very much with your art style and I'd like to ask if you're interested in a gig or two, I already sent you a couple of emails!
I have used the free pack of the asset and it seems that characters are a little blurry, even though at the pictures on itch io they seem very crisp and colorfull. I am using unity
Hi, AMAZING assets, love how they look, using this for a project in school and im trying to maybe use this for a soulslike rpg, and i know this might be impossible or too much to ask for, but could you make a really simple roll for some characters (i am not a skilled enough artist haha), and keep up the amazing work
fingers crossed your working on a demon army or dragonfolk with dragons lol. what seperates these is theres just noting like them, theres alot of mini sprites on but yours has such good animations and greater detail due to your outlining skills. thats where the problem lies, im desperate for you to release more armies and perhaps an upgrade to each army. im sure your mad busy, good job anyway
Mate, you've made a name for yourself. Your characters and animations are top notch. You've hit the sweet spot. The style is clean and different than everything else available. You are massively under charging for your work. We all want you to make more, and the economy here will support it. Make this the starter pack. Start releasing supplemental packs. Charge 10x for them. Once you have a few, put them in a bundle. Etc. Take commissions. Make this more than a hobby. We want - and we will pay for - more!
its crazy to think someone can waste 3 days stealing gifs assets, in 1 hour of my day job i earn enough to buy this pack 20 times over, mental what people will do for freebies. great assets, they have inspired me into looking how to code a startegy game akin to dragonforce as a side project.
AHHHHHH I want to steal this so hard put a video or change from 6x6 pixel ramdomly change some sizes because its not like an amplification and a preview image is going to save it from me ;(
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Do you plan on doing more stuff/assets? I like your style!
is there an up and down walk and attack animation in the paid pack?
Thanks for this great asset pack. I used the soldier and the orc in my project for an undergraduate teaching assistantship test at my university. Let’s just say… I got the position. So big big thanks! Here’s the final product if you want to check it out. Cards of the Abyss
Thank you for creating this asset pack for the community with the sole purpose of inspiring younger generations and supporting their journey in learning game development. Your contribution helps remove the barriers of creating art, allowing aspiring developers to focus on honing their skills more effectively.
Great assets
Thank you! =)
My good man this assets are immaculate
is there a base character so we can design our own armor using the base?
wow awesome collection for 2.5$.. you didnt did more stuff? your art is very nice
how do I get the full asset pack im pretty new to buying assets that say free.
Pay $2.50 USD or more for full, otherwise you get a free version.
Thank you, Cool sprites! I took some insperation of pixel style
Check them out in my game!
Hello, just curious - is there a recommended animation FPS for these sprites?
Why do people constantly put an excessive amount of whitespace in their spritesheets...
for those who use draw_sprite_part command it only reads a row
Great assets. May I ask if any more characters are coming up, or if you plan to add two more directions (up and down) to the existing characters?
Thank you
Dude... recheck the first line... what did you type?
typed at 02.00 AM sorry, corrected
Hi May I ask if I could use your assets for a game I'm cooking up I will tell players about you so that they can buy your other assets
Hi there Zerie! Love your work A LOT! I'm working on a project that fits very much with your art style and I'd like to ask if you're interested in a gig or two, I already sent you a couple of emails!
Thank you man!
this art is so great, would also really love to have some kind of orcish caster
Hayatım boyunca gördüğüm en iyi ve en detaylı (güzel) bedava assets BAŞARILARININ Devamını diliyorum
I love your assets so much
Will this pack still be updated?
Have u bought the 5$ pack???
Yes.i paid 2.5$
I have used the free pack of the asset and it seems that characters are a little blurry, even though at the pictures on itch io they seem very crisp and colorfull. I am using unity
Remove the Compression
Thank you very much
seem likes you use Unity, search about setup asset for pixel project. suggest: no compression, filter mode: point (no filter), ...
Im about to create a fully connectable isometric tileset, if anyone interested stay tuned
I am interested
Looks great! bro
Thank you! great characters deserve great environments!
Hi, AMAZING assets, love how they look, using this for a project in school and im trying to maybe use this for a soulslike rpg, and i know this might be impossible or too much to ask for, but could you make a really simple roll for some characters (i am not a skilled enough artist haha), and keep up the amazing work
fingers crossed your working on a demon army or dragonfolk with dragons lol. what seperates these is theres just noting like them, theres alot of mini sprites on but yours has such good animations and greater detail due to your outlining skills. thats where the problem lies, im desperate for you to release more armies and perhaps an upgrade to each army. im sure your mad busy, good job anyway
Will you add a small jump animation for the characters?
Thanks for the graphics, I use them in my game and put you in the credit naturally, because you do good work!
Mate, you've made a name for yourself. Your characters and animations are top notch. You've hit the sweet spot. The style is clean and different than everything else available. You are massively under charging for your work. We all want you to make more, and the economy here will support it. Make this the starter pack. Start releasing supplemental packs. Charge 10x for them. Once you have a few, put them in a bundle. Etc. Take commissions. Make this more than a hobby. We want - and we will pay for - more!
Will there be new assets for Halloween? :)
its crazy to think someone can waste 3 days stealing gifs assets, in 1 hour of my day job i earn enough to buy this pack 20 times over, mental what people will do for freebies. great assets, they have inspired me into looking how to code a startegy game akin to dragonforce as a side project.
AHHHHHH I want to steal this so hard put a video or change from 6x6 pixel ramdomly change some sizes because its not like an amplification and a preview image is going to save it from me ;(
I love these! Great work :)
Will there be a new asset pack?
Thanks for the material, I'm a novice maker and this is useful for me(Machine translation)XD
can spoiler character version v1.0.4?
I used your art for the game I made!
Thanks to your art, I was able to make a game with good art
I used the wizard character in my game
Thank you so much!
Here's my link to the game!